
Product configurator

Building a simple product configurator on top of your 3D-Model by using Product Template Author in Siemens NX. 3D-models and…

Pipe clamp assembly

***DRAFT*** Introduction to assemblies in NX and Teamcenter. Files assembly Teamcenter assembly


3D-modelling a button for 3D-Printing, clothes maintenance and repair. Extrude method Revolve method Another approach to create the 3D-geometry is…

Geodesic dome

***DRAFT*** Modelling a 2v geodesic dome in Siemens NX. Based on and adapted from Fusion 360 tutorial. Sketch 1 Sketch…

Bouncing Castle

Designing a bouncing castle with basic 3D-shapes. Main steps: Block Cylinder More cylinders Cones Spheres Shell Colors Unite

Propeller Nozzle

Modelling a parametric ducted propeller based on 19A NACA-profile. Establishing master sketch for NACA profile Creating sketch for nozzle cross…

Lego brick

***DRAFT*** Lego bricks are well known for their modular interlocking capabilities and combability of bricks between different types and sizes…